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Missing Authorization


Severity High
Score 8.1/10


XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. The application allows anyone with view access to modify any page of the wiki by importing a crafted XAR package. The problem has been patched in XWiki 14.6RC1, 14.6 and 13.10.8. As a workaround, setting the right of the page Filter.WebHome and making sure only the main wiki administrators can view the application installed on main wiki or edit the page and apply the changed described in commit fb49b4f.

  • LOW
  • HIGH
  • NONE
  • LOW
  • HIGH
  • NONE

CWE-862 - Missing Authorization

The missing authorization vulnerability occurs when a software program allows users to access privileged parts of the program without verifying the user credentials. Impact of such a vulnerability depends on the resources employed by the software, ranging from account takeover to sensitive information exposure, denial of service, and complete system takeover.


Advisory Timeline

  • Published