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Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature


Severity High
Score 7.8/10


Huawei mobile phones Hima-AL00Bhave with Versions earlier than HMA-AL00C00B175 have a signature verification bypass vulnerability. Attackers can induce users to install malicious applications. Due to a defect in the signature verification logic, the malicious applications can invoke specific interface to execute malicious code. A successful exploit may result in the execution of arbitrary code.

  • LOW
  • HIGH
  • NONE
  • HIGH
  • HIGH

CWE-347 - Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature

A cryptographic protocol is meant to ensure that services are provided in a secure manner. An application with absent or improper verification of cryptographic signatures allows malicious users to feed false messages to valid users or to disclose sensitive data, subverting the goals of the protocol. This can lead to security failures such as false authentication, account hijacking, and privilege escalation.


Advisory Timeline

  • Published