Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
In Pannellum from 2.5.0 through 2.5.4 URLs were not sanitized for data URIs (or vbscript:), allowing for potential XSS attacks. Such an attack would require a user to click on a hot spot to execute and would require an attacker-provided configuration. The most plausible potential attack would be if pannellum.htm was hosted on a domain that shared cookies with the targeted site's user authentication; an <iframe> could then be embedded on the attacker's site using pannellum.htm from the targeted site, which would allow the attacker to potentially access information from the targeted site as the authenticated user (or worse if the targeted site did not have adequate CSRF protections) if the user clicked on a hot spot in the attacker's embedded panorama viewer. This was patched in version 2.5.5.
CWE-79 - Cross Site Scripting
Cross-Site Scripting, commonly referred to as XSS, is the most dominant class of vulnerabilities. It allows an attacker to inject malicious code into a pregnable web application and victimize its users. The exploitation of such a weakness can cause severe issues such as account takeover, and sensitive data exfiltration. Because of the prevalence of XSS vulnerabilities and their high rate of exploitation, it has remained in the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities for years.
Advisory Timeline
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