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NULL Pointer Dereference


Severity Medium
Score 5.5/10


HWiNFO AMD64 Kernel driver version 8.98 and lower allows an unprivileged user to send an IOCTL to the device driver. If input and/or output buffer pointers are NULL or if these buffers' data are invalid, a NULL/invalid pointer access occurs, resulting in a Windows kernel panic aka Blue Screen. This affects IOCTLs higher than 0x85FE2600 with the HWiNFO32 symbolic device name.

  • LOW
  • NONE
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  • HIGH

CWE-476 - NULL Pointer Dereference

A NULL pointer dereference occurs when the application dereferences a pointer that it expects to be valid, but is NULL, typically causing a crash or exit.


Advisory Timeline

  • Published