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Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')


Severity High
Score 9.8/10


A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in jeff-kelley opensim-utils. Affected by this issue is the function DatabaseForRegion of the file regionscrits.php. The manipulation of the argument region leads to sql injection. The patch is identified as c29e5c729a833a29dbf5b1e505a0553fe154575e. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue. VDB-217550 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.

  • LOW
  • HIGH
  • NONE
  • NONE
  • HIGH
  • HIGH

CWE-89 - SQL Injection

Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attacks are one of the most common types of vulnerabilities. They exploit weaknesses in vulnerable applications to gain unauthorized access to backend databases. This often occurs when an attacker enters unexpected SQL syntax in an input field. The resulting SQL statement behaves in the background in an unintended manner, which allows the possibility of unauthorized data retrieval, data modification, execution of database administration operations, and execution of commands on the operating system.


Advisory Timeline

  • Published