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Resource Management Errors


Severity Low
Score 1.9/10


OpenStack Compute (Nova) Folsom, Grizzly, and Havana, when use_cow_images is set to False, does not verify the virtual size of a QCOW2 image, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (host file system disk consumption) by transferring an image with a large virtual size that does not contain a large amount of data from Glance. NOTE: this issue is due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2013-2096.

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CWE-399 - Resource Management Errors

Resource management errors is not a weakness in and of itself, rather it is a category of weaknesses related to improper management of system resources. If not addressed, the weaknesses in this category can lead to unexpected software behavior, loss of access, file modification, sensitive information disclosure, system crash, denial of service, and code execution.


Advisory Timeline

  • Published