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Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls


Severity High
Score 9.3/10


Opera executes DOM calls in response to a javascript: URI in the target attribute of a submit element within a form contained in an inline PDF file, which might allow remote attackers to bypass intended Adobe Acrobat JavaScript restrictions on accessing the document object, as demonstrated by a web site that permits PDF uploads by untrusted users, and therefore has a shared document.domain between the web site and this javascript: URI. NOTE: the researcher reports that Adobe's position is "a PDF file is active content."

  • NONE

CWE-264 - Permissions Privileges and Access Controls

CWE 264 (permissions, privileges, and access controls) is not a weakness in and of itself, rather it is a category of weaknesses related to the management of permissions, privileges, and other security features used to perform access control. If not addressed, the weaknesses in this category allow attackers to gain privileges for an unintended sphere of control, access sensitive information, and execute arbitrary commands.


Advisory Timeline

  • Published